Sunday 18 December 2016

things I hate or do not like too much

I love almost everything in life. Even on the hard day in life I try to keep positive and loving life. But there are few things that I really can not stand and make me up set a lot. Here we go :
1. Coffee
I drink coffee sometimes if people forced me to do so. But I am not a coffee addict, I hate the taste of coffe. I don't know how to enjoy coffee. Drinking coffee for me is like drinking very bad herbal medicine.
2. Crowds
I hate crowds so much. I hate most when I can not move or walk freely because of the crowds. I feel really unsafe when I am in the middle of the crowds. I like exclusivity,  I not mean to be arrogant, but I really hate when people touch me either by accident or not. I also like concentration when do something. I don't like shopping when the shops busy. I like to visit quiet shops even usually they are more expensive. I like it because at quiet shop I can really think about things I want to buy, about positive and negative about things that I want to buy. I also enjoy privacy, I just want to be free to do things that for some people are weird but for me it is normal.
3. Loud voice
I can not help my self to hate people who talking or screaming loudly. Either they are happy, angry, or full of emotions, I just hate it so much. I would be shaking if people screaming loudly near me, my heart beat going very fast and I got really frighten.
4. Winter cloths
I am a simple person, I like summer cloths to go out. I only wear undies (sorry to say) with t-shirt at home. I don't like layers of layers of clothes.
5. Untidy hair
I like my hair to be tidy and looks nice. I wash my hair every second day. I try to keep my hair away from the face. I don't like when my hair down during eating. So most of the time I always tie my hair back. I also hate hair knots so I always brush my hair before tie it back.
6. Noise outside the house
everytime I heard someone walking on the deck, and knocking at the door. I got really frighten, I don't like people visit me as well, especially unknown visitors. I always thinking about robbery everytime I heard something moving on the deck, most of the it is possum walking there.
7. Dirty place
I like to stay at home, as I am sure my house is clean. I always clean the foors twice a day, vacuuming and mopping because I like to walk on bare foot. I got few slippers but I hate putting on and off slippers. I also do not like dirty and untidy kitchen, oily kitchen. So I always clean my kitchen and never leave dirty dishes for few hours.

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