Friday 31 July 2015

leaving for goods

i feel really comfortable with my job. i felt like, i want to do that job for the rest of my life. but unfortunately i got some problem with my back. so i can not do that job any longer and i decided to resign. to be honest, i feel sad that i have to leave that job. next week going to be my last week to work overthere. i already talked with my boss, we talked face to face and she also said that she felt upset and  disappointed that i want to resign. but i do not have any other choice. so next week, i am going for study at hospitality. my goal is to work at five starts hotel managements. because i really enjoying hospitality. after i watched the world busiest about las vegas. i felt like, i want to work overthere someday for couple of years. i want to know, how does it feel to work at the busiest hotel in the world. even at the end, i just want to live in the village at 5 acres land with 3 bedrooms house, only with my husband and children. but here you go, life is dynamism. i can make a plan, try to catch my dream. but i do not know how long am i going to live in this world. maybe tomorrow is my last day? or in the next 100 years? so i just do what i can do and should do. instead of regreting in the future.

Saturday 25 July 2015

real investments for life

what is the great investments for life? not gold, not shares, not property. so here we go.
1. Health
health is everyhting for me. what is the point of having gold, shares, and property but not healthy? so start investing in your health every day with veggies and fruits. save money from buying soft drink into mineral water. having a great excercise to keep body balance.
2. Education
it does not means how many certificate you have from education institutions. you can get educations from everywhere. from social life, reading books, newspaper, documentary movie, public library, internet just to open your mind and grow your knowledge about everything which you can learn for your life.
3. Enviroment
place where we live and our future generation live. enviroment connected with our health. once we live in dirty enviroment, poluted enviroment, our health get into trouble. so start loving your enviroment by doing more planting, use less plastic, less chemical, use natural chemical (i eucalyptus oil and hot water to clean house, eucaliptus for washing, rice straw for shampoo, etc). use bicyle to go to work, shops, etc.

Monday 20 July 2015

aku sedih, gagal jadi istri solehah

aku sebenernya iri kalo liat istri yg solehah. yg betah di rumah, bisa masak, patuh sama suami, rajin ibadah dan bebenah. gak kaya aku yg hampir sepanjang hari sibuk mencari satu ton berlian, hobi ny ngelawan suami, tau nya cuma makan, dan masak pun rasa nya nano nano, boro2 pergi ke tempat ibadah, ibadah di rumah aja males nya setengah mati. sampe kalo ibu telpon pasti ngigetin buat ibadah. aku kadang merasa bersalah tapi aku gak kuat buat sok alim atau pura2 solehah. aku kalo bangun tidur, yg di cari itu baju seragam kerja. kalo pulang kerja langsung bawaan nya mandi dan tidur. aku pingin di rumah aja, ibadah, masak dan bebenah. tapi kalo cuma di rumah aja siapa yg kasih aku uang buat tabungan dan beli saham. apalagi saat ini aku kasih uang ke Ed tiap bulan $1000 buat bayar oncom. nah di tambah aku butuh uang buat beli ciki dan permen gulali. jujur aja, aku mah iri kalo liat istri yg jadi ibu rumah tangga, yg rumah nya penuh makanan khas Indonesia, yg rumah nya bersih dan teratur. tapi aku mah apa atuh, gak ada kesempatan menikmati menjadi wanita, indah nya menjadi ibu rumah tangga atau apalah apalah. yaudahlah, bersyukur aja jadi wanita karir. walaupun aku paham, kenangan menjadi ibu rumah tangga itu gak bisa di bayar oleh uang. aku gak punya kenangan menjadi ibu rumah tangga. kenangan nya cuma jadi istri yg lebih preman dari suami. tapi disyukuri saja lah. berusaha menjadi baik dari hari kehari. kadang aku bangun pagi buat nyuci mobil, tapi masalah nya gak boleh sama Ed karena air mahal. mau nyuci di pantai lewat boat ramp juga gak boleh. nyuci di paternakan tapi lumpur semua. yaudah aku mah apalah apalah #catatan hati seorang istri diambil dari kisah pribadi.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Social Media Bullying

i am one of the victim of social media bullying. almost the whole students from my high school used to bully me. so here, i would like to share what you suppouse to do when other people bully you. first you should know, that you can not change their mind about you, you do not have to proof to them that you are stronger than them, just walk in, and think like nothing happen to you. just go a head, follow your dreams and live your life. they bully you beacuse their life not as beautifull as your life, they bored with their life, they jelous about you because your life more interestring then they try to ruin your life and make you suffer. do not put up with their shit because you are in charge for your life and your own happiness. arguing, fighting, tried to stop them from bully you, just waste of time and energy. always time for everything, when they realized that whatever they did can not ruin your life, they will realized that it is just waste of time and energy. if they keep doing that, just let them to go ahead with that. you not lost anything if you not listen and think about them. they lost their time, energy and emotion. in other hand, you busy follow your dreams and prearing your future. so do not worry about bully, they will not kill you. Have a great Sunday !

With Love,


Friday 17 July 2015

Enough for Online Shopping

Living in busy city, with lots of jobs to do to support my life. I decided to do shopping by online. It was great, i bought lots of things such as phone, households items, grocery, and any other items. But unfortunately, online shopping not incovenience as i though before. First, i had problem with my phone. They sent me phone with battery faulty then i had to contact them again, explaining and any other things which is wasting time. At the end i had to go local phone shop for them to replace my phone battery. Phone is important things for my jobs. If something happen to my phone, my husband, client, boss, and workmate can not contact me. Some of them angry because they were calling me for urgent things then i can not answer. Then i bought an other house hold items since couple of months ago then has not arrived yet. I already contact the seller, and waste lots of time. Still not arrived. I don't mind about this as long as it just couple of dollars. Then i bought bicycyle then they sent me bike with inner tube faulty. I had to go to local bike shop, spent 30 bucks. I tried to contact them, argue and an other silly things. I am tired of online shopping. More hassle than going to local shop. If any thing happen, i can come back to local shop then solve it  almost on the spot. But online shopping, if something happen, i have to email them, explaining, argue, waiting for them to send replacement. Ok. enough of online shopping

Saturday 11 July 2015

tough cookie or tough wifey?

life is competition and sometimes it is hard. when i was little, i don't have to think about food, clothes, bills, and any other things. but as i grew older and living in different country, far away from families and friends. i just realized that life is hard. i came to Australia with out high education. i only brought my high school certificate from Indonesia. what can i do with that? but i do not know whether it was God plans or accidentally, before i came to Australia, i got bullied from social media, almost from the whole students in my high school. when i told this to my parents, they did not do anything. Mom just said talk to God, believe in Him. so next day, i went to chapel dan talk with Nun (my principal as i studied in catholic high school). Nun was supporting me but no one could stop hundreds of studends to bully me. when i arrived at class, boys looked at me from outside the class. i felt like monkey in cage. girls tried to stay away from me. so sometimes during break time, i am the only one in class and boys looked at me from the window. hundreds of boys! almost 9-10 months living in hard condition. i told to my hubby (he was my bf at that moment). i want to go away from that school. i was scared, embarass, and shy to see other people. but my hubby told me like this, if you go, you loose. don't let them win. so i keep coming to school untill i finished study there and get certificate. as soon as i received certificate, i flied to Melbourne by my self. mom and dad was up set. they took me to the airport. mom was worried about me. but i told her that as soon as i landed in Melbourne i will call her. they did not leave me untill time for me to depart. but i believe this is for my godness. i lost my hope to live in Indonesia. parents don't have enough money to support me at university. even if i decided to study at university over there, i would more struggling. because my parents was looking after my eldest brother who studied in university (he already got bachelor of law now) also my little brother and sister at private high school. few months after i arrived in Melbourne, i invited my mom for my wedding day. mom was happy. dad was not happy because i could not invite both of them together. i invited dad in the following year. i was struggling first time in Australia. i didn't know their culture, their language, also the weather was too hard for me. i started learn english from ABC for kids, went to the library, involve with local community, talked with librarians, talk with people at community organisation. later on, my english getting better and better, i started work as beauty assistance for small money but i got local experience, i got more friends. then now i already have experienced in different type of jobs. now just easier for me to looking for new jobs. it was hard, tough, stressfull but if you keep consisting and fight you will win. because life is tough, don't cry, give up, and think negative. already 2 years in Australia, already got good jobs (i work at 3 different jobs), good money, good superfunds, good saving, so now i just have to be more gratefull from day to day. next year, going to course to get local education certificate. then i will go to my country to visit my family after almost 3 years haven't been there. i am really thankfulk for those who bullied me, because i feel more tough now lol. also for my parents and hubby who suported me to fight for win.

I miss Indonesia

We planned to back to my country next winter. I born in Indonesia and i love Indonesia. I like the weather, cheap stuff, cheap accomodation, cheap food, humble people. i can wake up early morning then walk outside, people already busy and selling food for bfast. Some of them started before 6 am. Different in here, i wake up at 7 am then everywhere still quiet. Just can not wait for their food. Usually we stay at the same hotel. $70/night include buffet bfast, pool, gym, restaurant, attach with shopping centre, 15 minutes away from my family house. Still not sure to stay at hotel or family house. Bcoz my family house too crowdy for me and hubby. 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom is enough for mom, dad, sister and 2 brothers. No space for me and hubby. Me, mom and sister like to walk at night to the supermarket to buy fruits or vegetables or just talking with staff or just looking for hawkers. Talked about our day and gossiping, mom giving us advise a long the way. Probably i will stay close with family for couple of days then go somewhere (bali/central java/sulawesi) for couple of days then back to Australia. may be latter on after we pension, we spend half year in Australia and half year in Indonesia.

Thursday 9 July 2015

are you city or shitty person?

city popular with their beautifull architecture and their high life style. but it doesn't mean that those people are city person. some of them are shitty, not civilized (culture shock?). i work at one of popular accomodation in mornington peninsula. many tourist coming from city and overseas. not rare if i found them leaving the room in very grotty condition. let's think, how can you sleep over night in grotty, stinks, smell of smoke, and it is disgusting. i can not even breath in the room like that. accomodation is mainly for rest and sleep. do not do cooking in mini bar. mini bar is only for drink and snack. not for cooking curry, rice, pasta, chicken, or any main meal even they have microwave. it is bedroom with mini bar facility, not kitchen facility. simply go to the shops or restaurant for meal. one day, we had a tourist from Melbourne with child. they left room in stinks, grotty, cereal spread everywhere on the carpet, massive rubbish. 150 liter bin bag only for their rubbish. the room was like tip. luckyly they got charge an other 200 bucks for cleaning. because it is disrespectfull to the cleaners and to the place where they used to sleep. if you think that you are rich and live in the city with high end life style. show us that you have class. or your money can not buy class? hemmm.....

Sunday 5 July 2015

Tampons VS Pads

Ini tulisan cewek banget yee. Beneran kegalauan gw antara pilih tampons atau pads. Pertama kali beli tampons disini karena murah meriah (lebih murah dari pads) udah gitu natural. Tapi kok rasa ny gak enak ya kayak ada yg ngeganjel gitu. Di tambah gw cemas kalo tampon ny trapped di dalem terus gak bisa keluar. Karena pernah tali ny putus pas gw mau tarik keluar. Jadi gw cuma beli tampons sekali itupun masih sisa 1 setengah box di kabinet kamar mandi. Karena akhir ny gw balik lagi ke pads. walaupun banyak yg bilang kalo pads itu mencemari lingkungan. Tapi jaman kan udah canggih, bahwa sampah beginian di bakar dengan alat pembakaran modern yg gak menimbulkan polusi. Tapi entahlah, gw gak expert di urusan beginian. Disisi lain, darah haid yg keluarkan kental. Bahkan bisa di comot dari pad. Bahkan kalo tidur, gw pake apa ya nama nya, semacam pants/under wear yg disposable untuk lansia/disable. Karena lebih tebel, simpel, dan gw kalo tidur kan aktif bergerak. Jadi kalo pake pad biasa pasti bocor sampe ke seprei. Jadi gw pake yg itu, walaupun bikin iritasi di kulit seperti bayi yg pake popok kan juga iritasi di kulit. Tapi nyaman banget. Masalahnya kebanyakan orang pake tampons biar dibilang apa gitu. Soal nya kan gak gitu biasa orang pake tampon di Indo. Harga tampons isi 16 hampir sama dengan harga pads isi 10. Kalo gw sih lebih suka pake yg nyaman aja dan gak peduli orang bilang apa. menurut gw pads lebih healthy daripada tampons. Soal nya kan tampons kayak nya nge block darah kotor yg mau keluar. Sedangkan pads lebih ke menampung darah kotor. Walaupun boros, apalagi pas lagi banyak keluar bisa 3-4 pads dalam sehari. gw sih bodo amat orang bilang apa, gw malah berharap bisa pake underwear lansia/disable people setiap period. Gak cuma malam aja tapi juga sepanjang hari. Tapi berhubung mahal nya kebangetan. Jadi gw cuma pake buat malem doang. Kamu lebih suka tampons atau pads? Atau malah disposable underwear untuk lansia dan disable?

Saturday 4 July 2015

Great Things in Ma Life

1. Fresh & Clean Air
Have you ever think to live without fresh and clean air? How horrible is it? I am very grate full of having holiday house in the country side. The place where i can see cows, horses, beautiful big land with green grass. Far away from the city. Not much polution. Peacefull place with fresh air, good for yoga and retreat.

2. Healthy
To be healty is not easy also not difficult. But many of us just addicted of bad diet. It is not hard to eat lots of fresh veggie and lots of fruits. But it's also not difficult to forget about maccas, ice cream, cakes, also soft drink. I try healhty life by doing more physical work (mopping, sweping, gardening, cycling, also walking to shop) and for the last couple of weeks, i eat papaya (my super food) for my bfast, big lunch such as chicken/fish for my lunch, then fresh fruits for my dinner. i only get sick twice a year (sore throat in spring an autumn). I only drink WhiskyCola for weekends for couple of glass.

3. love
Life without love is empty. Love not just coming from gf/bf, husband/wife. Love is coming from people around you. Your family and friends. I am not type of people who likes getting so close to other people. I am very close to hubby. But not with people at work, family, or some people at my humanitarian organisation. I know them, they know me. They offering me help when i need then i offering them help when they need. jusr simple relations. I am not so picky. I have a conversation when i meet them in person. Not by phone or facebook or messenger. As i am busy with my jobs and other activities. i not talk with my fam every day. Probably once a week i call my mom.

4. Experiences
I am grate full of whatever experiences i had. Experience is the best teacher. So i never regret of doing silly things. Experience makes me grow. If i don't have bad experiences i will keep like a child and keep innocent LULZ. But bad experience makes me more careful in the future and not innocent anymore.

5. Nice and kind hubby
He is my heartbreaker, my SweetyBunny, my true love. Even sometimes we argue, fight, angry to each other. But after that we more understand to each other. Husband is more like best friend. Someone who sharing the rest of his life with me, looking after each other, support each other. Even sometimes i feel like oh gosh, what the bloody husband i got. But trust me, you will never find someone perfect to become your husband. Because it's human to be imperfect.

6. My Little HeartBreaker
Oh Yes! My little boy back to his former house in Melbourne. Oh nooo!! I miss him so much. But who going to look after him when me and husband at work? So he already back to his former house in Melbourne since the last few weeks. But we visit him almost every weekend. Have a walk and play with the ball. He taught me a lot of things. He show me how to live in simple way (he only need sausage, bed, water, smackhos, and ball for his life) how to be happy in easy way, even to make him happy is not easy lulz.

I think still a lot of things for me to be grate full, enjoying 4 seasons country, beautiful sun in summer, flower in spring, leaves fallen in autumn (so romantic), beautiful cold in winter the season when the frost covering the grass in the morning around holiday house. But too much to mention. So have a great Sunday everyone. Don't work too hard. Prepare ur self for beautiful Monday.


Thursday 2 July 2015

arrogant people?

so you think that you are on the higher class than other people? How embarrassing is it of being so arrogant while you are just nothing to the world. Who do you think you are? To be honest with you, i try to put my self as low as possible. I like to talk with arrogant people and pretending to be poor infront of them. Bcoz it is lot of fun. I just want to be humble and don't want to remaining those arrogant that they are just nothing for me, for the world, and whatever they have just temporary. So you think by became arrogant people will respect you? People will treat you like prince and princess? I tell you what, people doesn't like those who arrogant. People also doesn't like when other people putting them on lower level than other people. When you putting them on the higher level than you, they will feel better than you. Then they feel more happy. there is no point of having argumentation with arrogant people. Things that you can do is pass it, try to make your life better than them, and stay humble. If you are humble, you will get true friends who hope nothing from you except true love. But if you are arrogant, you will get fake friends who will laughing at you when you get into trouble.