Sunday 15 May 2016

I got partime job and I am happy !

What is the most important? Enjoying the job or counting how much you earn? I perfer enjoying the job. I don't like pressure or doing things i don't like. I don't really care anout how much money i got. I could earn better money but I do this job because i really love it. Doing this job is like doing hobby. Sometimes I felt tired and can't wait to go home then the next day I am really happy to back again. This is just partime job. I still got sick leave, annual leave, insurance, super, etc. but this job is hourly rate. I got wages not salary. Even this job is permanent job. I don't really care if they laugh at me because of my job. I laugh at them because they are too busy counting the money, it signs that they feel insecure finnancially, then they worry about money. Why they feel insecure? Maybe because they don't have a job, only their husband working, not enough money in their account, not enough money to impressed other people, etc. so laugh at me just to make them feel better. I am glad if they feel better after laugh at me. I don't have to be worry about what they worry about. Because for me, money coming and going, today i am wealthy and tomorrow i could be bankrupt. The most important is I been enjoying my life. If next day i am suffer of illness, i knew how does it feel about enjoying life as healthy people. Because once I get sick, money just nothing.

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