Thursday 3 March 2016

I love you and your dementia

When come to aged care industry, stop thinking to make money out of elderly with dementia. It is the most disgusting things to come to aged care industry only for money. You should come to aged care industry because you care, you love them and you want to look after them to make their life more pleasant and improve their quality of life. I can not understand why people who do not have caring personality work at aged care. The answer must be becase of money. Oh well, money is the most nasty things. Not to show off, that i am young, healty, have a lot of time, my husband support me finnancially. I would like to spend my time with people who old, lonely, sick, and poor. Their smile and happy face make me feel rich. I can not buy those feelings with money. Their appreciation really made my day. Sometimes their behaviour a bit challenging for me but i really enjoy it. They are just sooo cute like a child when they are angry even sometimes make me cry. Their behaviour sometimes make me up set, but most of the time they make me laugh. I just love them, i do not understand why i love them. I can not describe those feeling. It is something which touch my heart. I enjoy sit next to them, even i do not understand what they were talking about. Our gesture that we enjoy each other is the most important thing. As long as they are happy, i am happy. I just want to be close to them, no matter who they are, what are they talking about, what is they life story. The feeling, something which can not explain verbally is the most important things. I hate when carer judgje them based on their dementia like whatever go wrong with their behaviour is their dementia fault.

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